Hearts for Freedom
The Hearts for Freedom Program has 10 beds and is designed for girls ages 12-21 (full access to HGR's additional services while in this program). Many of the girls referred to the Ranch have been victims of commercial sexual exploitation and/or have had life experiences that put them at high-risk of being trafficked. HGR has always served sexually exploited youth, but began the work of identifying and providing specific programming for trafficked girls in 2003. Heartland is an active participant on the statewide MN Human Trafficking Task Force and is one of only a handful of programs in the state funded to provide supportive services and housing through the Safe Harbor/No Wrong Door model to serve sexually exploited youth.
Educational groups that are relationally focused for at-risk and sexually exploited girls
Trained and experienced leaders/survivors working collaboratively with therapists to develop individual restoration plans for each participant
Two part curriculum series that includes The SHINE Curriculum, and Beyond Trauma- A Healing Journey for Women
Mentors from The Family Partnership- PRIDE visit monthly.
Independent living, job skills and employment readiness program
Education/school program
Therapeutic equine programming
In addition, as part of addressing the Minnesota Safe Harbor Law for sexually exploited youth, HGR has created the Hearts for Freedom Project, a three-pronged approach to increasing programs and services for sexually exploited youth throughout the state.
Learn more at our Hearts for Freedom website.