Main Program
Our Main Program has 24 beds and is licensed for girls ages 12-21. The philosophy of the Ranch is that individuals are responsible for their own choices, consequences, and ultimately, their own well-being. Heartland provides a supportive, structured environment in which girls learn to make responsible choices and become mature young women. This strength-based model focuses on girls' success. Success leads to an awareness of self-worth. It is from this foundation, that clients address the spectrum of their physical, emotional, spiritual, social and educational needs. HGR provides holistic, strength-based, trauma-informed, and culturally sensitive programming based on best practices in working with girls.
Program Planning: Each resident is assigned a case manager and primary counselor that work closely with the resident, county workers, family/foster family and others involved to provide information, counseling and support throughout the girls stay at the Ranch and planning for discharge and after care. Each girl works with their case manager and primary staff to develop an individual case plan and goals throughout their stay. Goal work is accomplished in many ways at Heartland Girls’ Ranch.
Educational Groups
Restorative Justice Work and Evening Gathering
Daily Goal Work
One-to-One Counseling Sessions
Community Involvement
Recreation, Leisure and Exercise
Family Meetings/Therapy
Home Visits
Employment Skills Training & Work Projects
Therapeutic Groups (Beyond Trauma, My Life My Choice)
Aftercare and Discharge Planning: Discharge planning begins at intake. Each resident will be actively involved in the process and will develop an extensive Transition Safety Plan for their discharge. Support staff are available for follow up meetings in the resident’s community, if deemed appropriate as per the treatment plan. Plans are designed for each individual resident and families' needs and are coordinated through referring agencies and families. All interventions follow evidenced based practices.